
Japanese Made Bokken

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Available early April

Usually ships in 24 hours

Master Your Skills with the Best Japanese Training Sword Bokken

A Japanese training sword bokken is a wooden practice weapon used in martial arts like kendo and aikido. It is designed to mimic the weight, balance, and feel of a traditional steel katana, but without the sharp edge. This allows practitioners to train safely and effectively without risking injury from accidental cuts or slashes.

Made from high-quality woods like white oak or red oak, bokken swords are durable and long-lasting.

Our Japanese training sword bokken is designed to withstand the rigors of intense martial arts training.  They are also a Traditional Japanese-style bokken and are minimalist in design, manufactured by one fo the last 4 traditional workshops in the South of Japan.

Product Features

  • Made from high quality Japanese wood, 
  • Red or white Oak.
  • Approx 110cm in full length.
  • 450g in weight (but can vary)
  • Smooth finish.

Invest in a reliable Japanese training sword bokken today to take your martial arts practice to the next level.